
Swatchy Schemey

  Swatchy Schemey: Cottrell Swatches Introduction I’m really lucky to have a great view of Cottrell, which also happens to be my favorite building on campus, so I have decided to use it and all it has to offer for my brochure assignment. I really admire the blue dome and the colors of the brick. While nearly all buildings on campus look similar, Cottrell has fun colored seating outside that really stands out.  Inspiration Color Schemes and Contrast using InDesign I read up on color schemes and contrast for this assignment. One thing I’ve always known but learned more about during this assignment was using contrast by converting it to grey scale and seeing if the design is still easy to read (Beachy, 2007). Sliding the color tints creates new colors and color families that give you a new range of colors to use for your project. Contrast allows us to see how colors compare on paper. The video by Adobe taught me how to save different tints in the program and how to create and save them.

Meme Rough Draft

Meme Rough Draft We were asked to create a meme rough draft. While I have made many memes in my days, I have never used Photoshop to do so. For this assignment, I learned how to place more than one images into Photoshop, how to create Smart Objects, and how to create adjustment layers so only one layer, in this case, the masked layer, is selected. I already knew about this trick, but I made sure to name my layers so I could know what I was working with. To do so, you double click on the layer, type, and press enter (Adobe, 2017). When it came to resize layers/scaling them, you click edit > free transform, and this makes the image the scale to the size you'd like (Adobe, 2017)! Doing this allowed me to help The Weeknd fit into the frame in the way I wanted. Outside of Adobe's site, the YouTube videos that were part of the weekly required readings helped a lot when it came to masking, like how to make it a mask layer in the first place ( Heagney , 2019)! Outside of those two t

Here, Take My Card

With the emergence of Vistaprint and other printing websites, many people aren't creating the template for their own business cards. Truthfully, I've seen many people use generic, bland templates from these websites. And with the pandemic, I'm not sure if they'll be needed much longer. However, working with InDesign allows users to create custom documents that look unique, business cards or not. Bleeds have been difficult for me to understand in the past. When I designed my own grad card back in 2018, then I sent it off to our local printer, she asked for a bleed line. I was really confused, and ended up scratching it since I couldn't accommodate her. Bleed is most often used in print, from my experience. I decided to change my card up a little from less of a professional photo, to more of a headshot with my website logo to show more of a relaxed and cool vibe. I even added color text with the same watch as the sky in the photo. I've never created a business car

Lights Will Guide You Home

 Lights Will Guide You Home For my blog post, I wanted to focus on lights. I spent the week taking photos in different areas of campus to figure out which I would want to take photos of the most, but ultimately decided on a gold lamp. I will attach other photos from the week. I think lights were a good subject because lights can come in all different forms.  White Space This photo shows the white space of the wall behind the lamp. I think its a nice contrast. Intrusion The plant beside the lamp is intruding on the photo of the lamp, as well as the lights hanging on the wall. Angle This shows the angle of the light bulb inside the lamp. It is the only photo I took that shows the light bulb. Extra photos