Meme Rough Draft

Meme Rough Draft

We were asked to create a meme rough draft. While I have made many memes in my days, I have never used Photoshop to do so. For this assignment, I learned how to place more than one images into Photoshop, how to create Smart Objects, and how to create adjustment layers so only one layer, in this case, the masked layer, is selected. I already knew about this trick, but I made sure to name my layers so I could know what I was working with. To do so, you double click on the layer, type, and press enter (Adobe, 2017). When it came to resize layers/scaling them, you click edit > free transform, and this makes the image the scale to the size you'd like (Adobe, 2017)! Doing this allowed me to help The Weeknd fit into the frame in the way I wanted. Outside of Adobe's site, the YouTube videos that were part of the weekly required readings helped a lot when it came to masking, like how to make it a mask layer in the first place (Heagney, 2019)!

Outside of those two tools, I also added a blur effect on my masked image to make it seem more blurred to go along with the idea of the entire meme. I used the radius blur tool to make the blur in a spinning circle. Here is my meme draft below!

Here, you can see the few adjustment layers I added to help the images blend together more. The Weeknd was a little too bright in the beginning, so I helped him match the background. I also added text and a rectangle to help the text stand out and be more readable. I couldn't find the drop shadow for text option. 


Kabili, J. (2017, August 7). Work with Layers. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from

“HowToMeme 01: Preparing the Layers.” YouTube, uploaded by Brian Heagney, 6 Feb. 2019,
