
Showing posts from April, 2021

Swatchy Schemey

  Swatchy Schemey: Cottrell Swatches Introduction I’m really lucky to have a great view of Cottrell, which also happens to be my favorite building on campus, so I have decided to use it and all it has to offer for my brochure assignment. I really admire the blue dome and the colors of the brick. While nearly all buildings on campus look similar, Cottrell has fun colored seating outside that really stands out.  Inspiration Color Schemes and Contrast using InDesign I read up on color schemes and contrast for this assignment. One thing I’ve always known but learned more about during this assignment was using contrast by converting it to grey scale and seeing if the design is still easy to read (Beachy, 2007). Sliding the color tints creates new colors and color families that give you a new range of colors to use for your project. Contrast allows us to see how colors compare on paper. The video by Adobe taught me how to save different tints in the program and how to create and save them.