
Showing posts from February, 2021

Here, Take My Card

With the emergence of Vistaprint and other printing websites, many people aren't creating the template for their own business cards. Truthfully, I've seen many people use generic, bland templates from these websites. And with the pandemic, I'm not sure if they'll be needed much longer. However, working with InDesign allows users to create custom documents that look unique, business cards or not. Bleeds have been difficult for me to understand in the past. When I designed my own grad card back in 2018, then I sent it off to our local printer, she asked for a bleed line. I was really confused, and ended up scratching it since I couldn't accommodate her. Bleed is most often used in print, from my experience. I decided to change my card up a little from less of a professional photo, to more of a headshot with my website logo to show more of a relaxed and cool vibe. I even added color text with the same watch as the sky in the photo. I've never created a business car